Malaysian Abstracting and Indexing System (MyAIS)

MyAIS was developed in 2007 to provide bibliographic information and abstracts about articles published in academic journals and conference proceedings in Malaysia. It is estimated that there are about 214 scholarly journals published in Malaysia (Md Sidin, 1996). Out of the 214 journal titles, 27 (59.3%) titles are in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences and 87 (40.7%) are in the Sciences, Technology and Medical fields. Out of total journals published only 54 (25%) titles are abstracted by international online databases and abstracting services (Zainab, 1997). This means that only Malaysian articles published in these 54 journals are easily accessible to the global learning community. MyAIS attempts to improve the situation by providing accessibility to information about articles published in scholarly journals and conference proceedings in Malaysia.
MyAIS provides an abstracting and indexing system which can be utilized by publishers, authors or individuals gratis to upload bibliographic citations and abstracts as well as keywords of any Malaysian articles into the system. As this is an open access system, any users can search for information, view and download full-text articles which is made available by persons or institutions that contributes to the system. In other words, this system is for the Malaysian education community and relies on the voluntary contributions from authors and publishers.
The development of MyAIS is based on the GNU Eprint software, which is developed at the Electronics and Computer Science Department of Southampton University (UK). In the spirit of that initiative MyAIS would place all information in its content at the disposal of global educational community, making them searchable, accessible to any potential user.
*The full citation information about articles published in Malaysian journals and conference proceedings
*The abstracts of the articles and the keywords assigned to each article
*The references used in each article
*Statistics about the type of use made of the system